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Heated Glass Element: Description and Operation

The Heated Rear Window (HRW) function can only be activated with the ignition on and the engine running. Operation of the HRW switch operates the status condition LED on the control panel and switches on the HRW for approximately 21 minutes. Selection of the HRW also operates the door mirror heaters for approximately 11 minutes. The operation can be canceled by switch re-selection or ignition off. System off does not cancel the HRW operation.

The Heated Front Screen (windshield) (HFS) function can only be activated with the ignition on and the engine running, and either 'defrost' mode selected or HFS selected. Each half, left and right hand split, switches on for approx. 6.5 minutes. The operation can be canceled by switch re-selection or ignition off. System off does not cancel the HFS operation.