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Choke Unloader

Fig. 6 Choke unloader adjustment:

Fig. 7 Choke unloader to fast idle cam clearance:

1. While holding throttle in the wide open position, apply pressure on choke valve toward the closed position.
2. Measure clearance between choke valve lower edge and air horn wall.
3. If clearance is not within limits, adjust by bending unloader tang which contacts fast idle cam, Fig. 6. Bend tang toward cam to to increase clearance and away from cam to decrease clearance.
4. After completing adjustment, open throttle until tang is directly below fast idle cam pivot. In this position, there should be a clearance of .070 inch between tang and edge of fast idle cam, Fig. 7.
5. Operate throttle and check for unloader tang for binding and contact with other carburetor components and correct as necessary.