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Distributor Service

Fig. 6 Distributor components:


1. Remove distributor cap and rotor, then remove two electronic control module attaching screws, Fig. 6.
2. Carefully lift module upward and disconnect electrical connectors. Note position of connectors for installation. Module electrical connectors must be connected to the same terminals as removed.
3. Remove module assembly. Do not remove silicone dielectric grease compound from module or distributor face, if module is to be reinstalled. If a replacement module is to be installed, silicone dielectric grease compound must be applied to module and distributor base.
4. Reverse procedure to install. Ensure electrical connectors are installed on the corresponding module terminals as noted during removal.

Fig. 1Exploded view of High Energy Ignition (HEI) Distributor. 4-151 model shown, V6-173 similar:

Fig. 6 Distributor components:


1. Remove distributor from engine as described under "Distributor, Replace."
2. Mark position of distributor gear to shaft for use during installation.
3. Using a suitable punch, drive roll pin from distributor shaft and remove gear, Fig. 1.
4. Remove distributor shaft with rotor and advance weights from distributor housing.
5. Remove pickup coil retainer ring, disconnect pickup coil electrical connector from module and remove pickup coil, Fig. 6. Do not remove the three screws located on the pickup coil.
6. Reverse procedure to install.


4-151 & FEDERAL V6-173 ENGINES

1. Remove distributor as described under "Distributor, Replace."
2. Remove distributor cap and rotor, then remove two vacuum advance unit attaching screws.
3. Rotate pickup coil assembly clockwise, then move vacuum advance unit downward to disengage from pickup coil.
4. Remove vacuum advance unit from distributor.
5. Reverse procedure to install.