Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Parts Information

PartManufacturerOEM Part #PriceNotes
Rear Clutch Piston
A727CHY374362454.10Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
A904, A999, 32RHCHY351571652.30Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Rear Clutch Retainer
A727CHY3743622129.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Thrust Washer
A727CHY46171614.25Order By Thickness
Rear Clutch Piston Retainer
A727CHY4028299111.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Piston Seal
InnerCHYJ81209164.10Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
A904, A999, 32RH
InnerCHYJ81209153.75Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
OuterCHYJ81209173.50Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Rear Clutch Spring
A904, A999, 32RHCHYJ812091912.60Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Spring Spacer
Clutch Wave Spring
A727CHY24668065.25Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
A904, A999, 32RHCHY24662839.35
Retainer Snap Ring
A727CHY24668116.75Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Rear Clutch Pressure Plate
A904, A999, 32RH
FrontCHYJ81209250.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Rear Clutch Plates
Friction DrivenCHY2801992AB6.50Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Steel DrivenCHY52118812AA21.25
A904, A999, 32RH
Friction DrivenCHY47138808.25
Steel DrivenCHY19424033.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Rear Clutch & Piston Retainer
A904, A999, 32RH
2 Wheel DriveCHY420204699.50Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Snap Ring Retainer
A904, A999, 32RHCHY41307619.10