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Forward Clutch


Fig. 252:

1. Check clutch piston stroke as outlined in following steps.

Fig. 253:

2. Position overdrive support on wood blocks and mount forward clutch drum on support (Fig. 253).
3. Remove bearing and race from forward clutch drum (Fig. 253).
4. Install a suitable threaded bolt/rod into the side of the overdrive support.
5. Mount Miller Tool C-3339 dial indicator components onto the threaded rod as necessary.
6. Position dial indicator plunger squarely against clutch piston.
7. Apply compressed air through right side feed hole in support and note piston stroke length on dial indicator.
8. Stroke length should be 3.55 - 3.73 mm (0.1348 - 0.1469 inch).
9. Replace clutch discs if stroke length is incorrect.

Fig. 254:

10. Remove clutch pack snap ring and remove retainer and clutch pack (Fig. 254).

Fig. 255:

11. Remove clutch pack cushion plate (Fig. 255).
12. Compress clutch springs with Tool 7538 and remove piston snap ring.
13. Remove spring compressor tool and piston return springs.

Fig. 256:

14. Remount forward clutch drum on overdrive support (Fig. 256).
15. Apply compressed air through feed hole in support to remove piston (Fig. 256). Use only enough air pressure to ease piston out of drum.

Fig. 257:

16. Remove and discard clutch piston O-rings (Fig. 257).
17. Remove clutch drum O-ring from rear hub of drum.

Fig. 258:

18. Remove three seal rings from clutch drum shaft (Fig. 258).

Fig. 259:

19. Remove thrust bearing and race assembly from clutch drum (Fig. 259).

Fig. 260:

20. Measure clutch disc thickness (Fig. 260). Minimum allowable thickness is 1.51 mm (0.0595 inch). Replace clutch pack if any disc falls below specified minimum thickness.

Fig. 261:

21. Measure free length of piston return springs with springs mounted in retainer (Fig. 261). Length should be 19.47 mm (0.767 inch). Replace springs and retainer if length is incorrect.

Fig. 262:

22. Inspect clutch piston check ball (Fig. 262). Ball should move freely within piston. Check ball seating by applying low pressure compressed air to ball feed hole. Ball should seat firmly and not leak air.
23. Measure inside diameter of bushing in clutch drum hub. Maximum allowable diameter is 24.08 mm (0.9480 inch). Replace clutch drum if bushing inside diameter is greater than specified.


1. Lubricate bearing and race assembly with petroleum jelly and install it in clutch drum (Fig. 263). Race side of assembly faces downward and toward drum. Bearing rollers face up (Fig. 263)

Fig. 264:

2. Coat new clutch drum shaft seal rings with petroleum jelly. Before installing drum shaft seal rings, squeeze each ring so ring ends overlap (Fig. 264). This tightens ring making clutch installation easier.
3. Install seal rings on shaft. Keep rings closed as tightly as possible during installation. Avoid oversaw spreading them.
4. Mount clutch drum on overdrive support.
5. Lubricate and install new O-ring on clutch drum hub (Fig. 257).
6. Lubricate new clutch piston O-rings with Mopar Door Ease, or Ru-Glyde. Install rings on clutch piston and install piston in drum.
7. Install piston return springs.
8. Compress piston return springs with Tool 7538 and shop press and install piston snap ring. Be sure snap ring end gap is not aligned with any notches in drum.
9. Install cushion plate in drum. Concave side of plate faces downward (Fig. 255).

Fig. 265:

10. Install clutch discs, plates and retainer (Fig. 265). Install tabbed plate followed by disc until required number of plates and discs are installed. Use six plates and discs.
11. Install clutch pack snap ring.
12. Recheck clutch piston stroke length using same method outlined at beginning of disassembly procedure. If stroke length is not within specified limits, replace clutch discs.

Fig. 266:

13. Lubricate race and bearing with petroleum jelly and install them in clutch drum (Fig. 266). Be sure bearing rollers face up and race lip seats in drum as shown.
14. Verify bearing and race size.
- Outer diameter of bearing is 46.7 mm (1.839 inch).
- Outer diameter of race is 48.9 mm (1.925 inch).
- Inner diameter of bearing and race is 26.0 mm (1.024 inch).

Fig. 268:

15. Mount forward clutch on direct clutch and check assembled height (Fig. 267). Height should be 70.3 - 71.5 mm (2.767 - 2.815 inch).