Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

General Information

Axle bearing problem conditions are usually caused by:
- Insufficient or incorrect lubricant.
- Foreign matter/water contamination.
- Incorrect bearing preload torque adjustment.
- Incorrect backlash.
Axle gear problem conditions are usually the result of:
- Insufficient lubrication.
- Incorrect or contaminated lubricant.
- Overloading (excessive engine torque) or exceeding vehicle weight capacity.
- Incorrect clearance or backlash adjustment.
Axle component breakage is most often the result of:
- Severe overloading.
- Insufficient lubricant.
- Incorrect lubricant.
- Improperly tightened components.
- Differential housing bores not square to each other.

Diagnosis Chart 1 Of 2:

Diagnosis Chart 2 Of 2: