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Oil Intake Control Valve - Operation


There is both an Intake and an exhaust camshaft sensor on vehicles equipped with a World Engine. The variable valve timing system used on World Engines requires the exact position of both the intake and exhaust camshaft. The GPEC1 uses camshaft sensor data along with crankshaft data to determine the actual position of the camshafts. Intake and exhaust phaser oil control valves are required on World Engine vehicles using variable valve timing. The oil valves direct oil to the Intake and exhaust phasers. Oil pressure in the phasers moves the camshafts to an advanced or retarded position.

To resolve this inherent conflict between optimum high and low speed valve timing, the GPEC1 controlled engine uses a variable valve timing system. The variable valve timing system advances and retards valve timing by rotating the position of both the intake and exhaust camshafts. With this system, the intake valve opening can range from 80 to 120 crankshaft degrees after Top Dead Center. Likewise, the exhaust valve opening can range from 85 to 120 crankshaft degrees before Top Dead Center. This degree of flexibility provides many benefits, including: Improved Engine Performance, Increased Fuel Economy, Improved Idle Stability and Decreased Engine Emissions. In non operating condition, the camshaft stays in lockpin position of cam phases. This is 120 degrees ATDC for intake camshaft and 120 degrees BTDC for exhaust camshaft.

The variable valve timing system is electronically controlled and hydraulically operated. The GPEC1 receives information from many sensors to determine the optimum valve timing. It then pulse-width modulates oil control valves which direct oil to the cam phasers. The cam phasers use oil pressure to rotate the intake and exhaust camshafts. The rotation of the camshafts is referred to as cam phasing. Before the GPEC1 can begin commanding the camshaft phasing, several enabling conditions must be met:

- The engine oil temperature must be at least -6.6°C (20°F)
- The oil control valve coil temperature must be less than 140°C (284°F)
- Engine speed must be at least 600 to 1000 rpm to achieve minimum oil pressure.
- Battery voltage must be at least 10 volts
- And there must be no camshaft or crankshaft sensor faults, engine timing faults, or oil control valve faults

First we will examine variable valve timing enabling conditions, and then we will take a closer look at the inputs and outputs of the system:

- Accelerator pedal position sensor
- Oil temperature sensor
- Map sensor
- Intake cam sensor
- Exhaust cam sensor
- Crankshaft sensor
- Exhaust phaser oil control valve
- Intake phaser oil control valve
- Inputs
- Engine control module
- Outputs
- Sensed battery voltage

A minimum oil temperature is required to enable variable valve timing operation. Oil temperature and viscosity also have an impact on the operation of variable valve timing after start-up. Oil is used to control the movement of the camshafts. An incorrect oil viscosity could adversely affect the operation of the system or even render the system inoperative. It may even set a fault code.

The accelerator pedal position sensor indicates how far the driver wants to open the throttle plate. The GPEC1 calculates an initial camshaft set point based on whether the accelerator pedal is at part throttle or wide open throttle.

The MAP sensor provides information regarding engine load.

Sensed battery voltage provides information regarding current system voltage. Sensed battery voltage must be at least 10 volts in order for the oil control valves to function properly.

This information allows the GPEC1 to adjust camshaft timing to achieve the best fuel economy, the best engine performance or a combination of both. The hall-effect crankshaft sensor provides RPM information and determines when the number one piston is approaching Top Dead Center. The sensor generates a signal as the tone wheel, attached to the crankshaft, rotates. The tone wheel has 60 teeth minus two. When the gap, created by the missing teeth passes by the sensor, a signal is produced that indicates the number one piston is at Top Dead Center. The GPEC1 uses crankshaft sensor data along with camshaft data to determine the actual position of the camshaft. There are two hall-effect camshaft sensors on engines equipped with variable valve timing. The GPEC1 uses camshaft sensor data along with crankshaft data to determine the actual position of the camshaft.

The GPEC1 individually controls each valve. It sends a pulse width modulated signal to move a spool within the outer casing of the valve. Depending upon spool movement, oil is directed through the passages to advance or retard cam timing. The oil control valve also has a special cleaning strategy at key-on. The cleaning strategy is known as "debris crush mode". At key-on the GPEC1 cycles the oil control valve on and off several (5) times to crush any debris in the oil control valve and prevent the spool valve from sticking. In non operating condition, the camshaft stays in lockpin position of cam phases. This is 120 degrees ATDC for intake camshaft and 120 degrees BTDC for exhaust camshaft.

There are two oil control valves. One valve directs oil to the intake cam phaser, the other valve directs oil to the exhaust cam phaser. The valves are designed and function in the same manner. The outer casing of each oil valve has five oil passages. A passage for pressurized supply oil. A passage to the advance chamber of the cam phaser. A passage to the retard chamber of the cam phaser. A passage for oil return from the advance chamber of the cam phaser. A passage for oil return from the retard chamber of the cam phaser. Oil flows through the passages and applies pressure to the cam phasers to change cam timing.

There are two cam phasers. One phaser controls the position of the intake camshaft. The other phaser controls the position of the exhaust camshaft. The phasers consist of a sprocket, a rotor vane, and a housing or stator. The exhaust cam phaser also consists of a front bushing and spring. We will discuss the purpose and function of the bushing and spring later. The housing is bolted and permanently fixed to the camshaft sprocket, while the rotor vane is bolted and permanently fixed to the camshaft. With this design, any movement of the rotor vane in relation to the housing will also move the camshaft. The phaser and sprocket are serviced as an assembly.

Camshaft and crankshaft sensors provide feedback to the GPEC1 regarding the actual position of the camshafts. The GPEC1 then compares the actual camshaft positioning with desired positioning. If the desired positioning is not achieved within a specified time, during the second key cycle a trouble code is set.

There are six new diagnostic trouble codes available to help you determine if the control circuit from the GPEC1 to the oil control valve is intact and operating properly. The codes identify whether the control circuit is open, shorted to ground, or shorted to power. Three trouble codes are related to intake camshaft positioning, the other three codes are specific to exhaust camshaft positioning.

The oil control valve contains both electrical and mechanical components. It is electrically controlled by the GPEC1. The electrical current that energizes the coil results in mechanical motion of the spool valve. It is possible to verify both the electrical and mechanical operation of the valve. The oil control valve consists of a coil that is energized to move a spool within an outer casing. The condition of the coil can be tested with a Digital Volt Ohmmeter or DVOM. With the DVOM set to measure resistance, check the coil for an open, a short to ground, or excessive resistance. The correct resistance value of the coil is between 6 and 8 ohms. The mechanical operation of the oil control valve can be tested using actuator commands on the scan tool. Remove the oil control valve, then navigate to the actuator menu and select the oil control valve. Use commands to activate the valve and watch as the spool valve moves back and forth inside the casing.

Because the cam phasers are hydraulically operated by engine oil, the condition of the oil is very important. The oil must be of the correct viscosity, not obstructed by debris, to maintain correct pressure. Maintaining the correct oil viscosity is critical to the operation of the variable valve timing system. The wrong oil viscosity may cause the variable valve timing to malfunction and trouble codes to set. The correct oil viscosity for this system is 5W20. Oil must be clean, unobstructed and free to flow through the variable valve timing system. Oil could become obstructed in oil passages located in the cylinder head, cylinder block, or even in the oil screen. In the event oil flow is obstructed, further diagnosis or disassembly may be required to pin point the source of the obstruction. The variable valve timing system relies on oil pressure to advance or retard the position of the camshaft. Insufficient oil pressure will adversely affect the operation of variable valve timing. The minimum oil pressure for this system is 15 psi at normal operating temperature.

Though not directly used to change camshaft positioning, the oil screen is an important component of the variable valve timing system. It helps to remove debris going to the variable valve timing components. The oil screen is located in the cylinder block, immediately below the cylinder head. Oil must pass through the oil screen before entering the oil control valve. The cylinder head must be removed to service the oil screen. The intention is not to service the oil screen during vehicle life.

How the cam phaser works. The cam phaser assembly has eight separate chambers; four advance chambers and four retard chambers. When camshaft advance is requested, oil enters all four advance chambers and exerts force on the rotor vane. Because the rotor vane is bolted to the camshaft, the entire camshaft profile moves along with the rotor vane. At the same time, oil is forced out of the retard chambers. When camshaft retard is requested oil enters the retard chambers to move the camshaft in the opposite direction. There is a lock pin on one side of the rotor vane that fits inside a recessed area in the housing. The lock pin ensures that the default position of the intake cam phaser is 120 crankshaft degrees full retard and the default position of the exhaust cam phaser is 120 crankshaft degrees full advance. When the engine is turned off, rotational force and inertia move the intake camshaft and rotor vane toward the retard position. The exhaust cam phaser includes a spring and bushing to work against the rotational force of the engine, allowing the exhaust cam phaser to lock in the fully advanced position. Under most conditions the cam phasers are returned to lock pin position when the engine is turned off. In the unique condition of an engine stall, which abruptly shuts off the engine, the cam phasers may not return to the lock pin position. In this case, the phasers will return to the lock pin position at the next start-up. Lock pin position is the most ideal cam timing for idle stability. When engine rpm exceeds approximately 600 to 1000 rpm, oil pressure unlocks the pins and variable valve timing resumes. Once enabling conditions are met, the GPEC1 uses input from sensors to calculate optimum valve timing.

There are four preprogrammed modes from which the GPEC1 bases initial valve timing.

- Starting
- Idle or Part throttle
- Wide open throttle
- Limp-in or Default

From each preprogrammed mode, the GPEC1 adjusts valve timing based on operating conditions.

GPEC1 has calculated optimum intake valve timing of 112 degrees after Top Dead Center and optimum exhaust valve timing of 97 degrees before Top Dead Center. The GPEC1 pulse width modulates the oil control valves to advance or retard the camshaft to their desired location. The spool valve inside the intake oil control valve is energized and moves to allow pressurized oil into the advance chambers of the intake cam phaser. At the same time, the spool valve inside the exhaust oil control valve is energized and moves to allow pressurized oil into the retard chambers of the exhaust cam phaser. Oil enters the advance chambers of the intake phaser and the retard chambers of the exhaust phaser. Oil pressure releases the lock pin from its locked position and pushes against the rotor vane. Both the rotor vanes are moved, advancing the intake camshaft and retarding the exhaust camshaft.