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Throttle Body - Installation


1. Install a new intake manifold to throttle body gasket (2), if replacement was necessary.
2. Install four new four j-nuts (1), if replacement was necessary.

CAUTION: DO NOT OVER TORQUE. Over tightening can cause damage to the throttle body, gaskets, bolts and/or the intake manifold.

3. Install throttle body (4) to intake manifold.
4. Install throttle body support bracket (3), bolt (2) and tighten bracket bolt to 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.).
5. Install four bolts (1) and hand tighten.

CAUTION: The throttle body must be torqued in a mandatory torque sequence. Tighten in a criss - cross pattern to specification.

6. Tighten the bolts in a mandatory torque criss - cross pattern sequence to 7.5 Nm (65 in. lbs.).

7. Connect electrical connector (1) to throttle body (2).
8. Install clean air hose and tighten clamps to 4 Nm (35 in. lbs.).
9. Connect negative battery cable, tighten nut to 5 Nm (45 in. lbs.).
10. Use a scan tool and clear all fault codes then perform the ETC RELEARN function.