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Front Door: Description and Operation


Door trim modules include the hardware, window regulators, latch, remote handle and links, speakers and wiring harness. In addition to providing manufacturing efficiencies, the door modules benefit the customer too. Having all the parts assembled into a module improves build accuracy and fit and finish between the components and trim as a result of greater communication between the release engineers and suppliers.

Lower door trim (from the beltline down) is molded polypropylene. The door trim is two-tone with a darker color matching the instrument panel in the upper third and a lighter shade for the lower two-thirds, including the bolster and substrate.

Items Serviceable without removing module or opening bolster:

- Speaker grille
- Speaker
- I/s handle screw cover
- Front door mirror flag cover
- Fasteners accessible :

- Substrate and lower window regulator screws
- Speaker screws (after grille removal)
- Pull cup screw
- I/s handle screw (after cover removal)

Items Serviceable without removing module but with opening of bolster:

- Electric window switch
- Electric mirror switch (front driver door only)
- Bolster trim assembly
- Bolster seal
- Sock seals on switches
- Outside handle link
- Front door lock and rod assembly
- Front door latch
- Fasteners accessible :

- Pull cup clip
- Upper window regulator screws
- Pull cup screw (to biw)

Items Serviceable by removing entire module:

- Rear door latch
- Window regulator
- Inside remote handle
- Inside handle links
- Periphery seal (around edge of trim)
- Wire harness