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A/C - Refrigerant and Lubricant Guidelines

SOURCE: KIA Technician Times Volume 7 Issue 5, 2004

TITLE: A/C Refrigerant and Lubricant Guidelines



Insufficient quantity and/or incorrect specification of refrigerant or lubricant used may cause premature failure of A/C compressors. Please use refrigerant and lubricant guidelines shown below when servicing A/C systems.

If the A/C components are replaced, add or remove the following refrigerant oil (PAG) as follows:

Components Being Serviced: Required Amount:

Evacuate and Recharge A/C System Add 30 grams (1 oz)
Evaporator Add 60 grams (2.1 oz)
Condenser Add 50 grams (1.7 oz)
Receiver-drier Add 40 grams (1.4 oz)
Compressor Remove 70 grams (2.3 oz)

Before charging the A/C system, add the same amount of new refrigerant oil to the A/C system that was removed during the recovery, plus additional refrigerant oil required from the table.


^ Kia Service Manuals may not list the PAG number shown in the table, however OEM part number ZXL 200PG is equivalent to PAG 100 and OEM P/N FD46XG is equivalent to PAG 46.

^ NEVER re-use PAG oil, replace with fresh new oil every time. PAG oil absorbs moisture and replacement is always recommended. Use ONLY recommended type and quantity.

^ When all components are replaced due to compressor break-up with excessive debris in the system, there is no need to add additional PAG oil. New compressors are shipped with approximately 7 oz of PAG oil.

^ If the oil in the A/C system is lower than the specified amount, compressor durability will be decreased.

^ If the oil amount in the A/C system is higher than the specified amount, A/C performance will be decreased.