A/C - System Deodorizer
DATE July 2011
MODEL All A/C Equipped Models
This bulletin provides information about an available deodorizer treatment for the climate control system. Air Conditioning Systems may at times emit a stale or musty odor from the vents. Typically, this is most noticeable directly after vehicle start up, and is related to bacterial growth on the evaporator core. Growth of such bacteria and the resulting generation of the A/C related odors is dependent on several factors, including but not limited to vehicle operating environment, length and frequency of A/C system use etc. and is more frequently observed in higher humidity and higher ambient temperature areas. To assist in addressing these concerns, a two part deodorizer kit is available via Kia's Chemical Program.
Prior to applying the deodorizer, confirm that the customer's complaint actually relates to an A/C system odor. The treatment described in this bulletin should not be used for odors that typically originate elsewhere in the vehicle and are not coming from the inside of the A/C system or evaporator housing.
Examples are: Odors linked to carpet spills, food residue etc. and odors described as "dead animal" smell from articles left in the vehicle or from an actual carcass/remains, or damp or musty interior smell from exterior water leaks into either passenger cabin or trunk area. Treat any non A/C system related complaints by locating and removing the source of the smell and by using an appropriate cleaning agent for the affected area.
If the odor is confirmed to be emanating from the A/C system's evaporator, follow the instructions in this bulletin.
Prior to applying the refresher described in this bulletin, make sure the evaporator drain tube is clear and open. Clean as necessary.
A/C System should be in proper working order; if not, diagnose and repair using KGIS information prior to proceeding with the procedure outlined in this bulletin.
Service Procedure:
1. Remove the cap and attach adapter hose to A/C Evaporator Cleaner & Refresher can.
A/C Evaporator Cleaner & Refresher Kit is available through KiaChemicals.com
2. If necessary, raise vehicle to gain access to A/C evaporator drain tube.
3. Insert the wedge shaped adapter end securely into drain tube.
Place a drain pan under the vehicle to catch draining liquid from evaporator during treatment procedure.
4. Shake can well and remove cover cap from adapter. Press to dispense half of the contents into evaporator tube.
Allow foam to liquefy and drain for at least 10 minutes. Dispense remaining contents of the can. Let drain for another 10 minutes.
Read and follow all WARNINGS printed on the A/C Evaporator Cleaner & Refresher and A/C Intake Refresher chemical cans. Failure to follow these WARNINGS could result in injury.
5. After completing step 4, use A/C Intake Refresher (shown in photo) to complete the procedure.
Read and follow all printed WARNINGS on the can.
6. Remove all occupants and pets from the vehicle then close all windows and doors.
7. Shake A/C Intake Refresher can well before using.
Start vehicle and set climate control to Fresh Air mode.
Vehicle must be parked in an open area to provide maximum ventilation during the procedure.
8. Choose body vent (Fresh Air) setting; set fan speed on high and temperature to the coldest setting.
9. Spray contents into the fresh air intake vents located at the base of the front windshield; emptying approximately half of the can. Switch the temperature setting to hot, and direct air flow to the lower vents (at foot level); then spray remaining contents of the can through the intake vents. Continue to run A/C system for at least 3 to 5 minutes.
Ventilate vehicle to allow vapor to dissipate before occupants or pets re-enter vehicle.