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Audio - Satellite Audio Reception/Unit Replacement

Model All Model

Group Body Electrical System(92)

Number KT2008122302

Date Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Area N.America

Subject Satellite Audio Reception and/or Unit Replacement

- Description

Satellite Audio Reception and/or Unit Replacement

This Pitstop article provides information relating to Sirius(R) satellite audio reception. Some customers may complain of drop-outs and/or audio reception related to the satellites orbiting and/or repeater operation.

While Sirius does have an extensive network to ground repeaters (towers that rebroadcast the satellite signal to help give maximum coverage) in many metropolitan areas, factors such as microwaves and physical obstruction (Bridges and tunnels) can still temporarily disrupt your radio's reception. However, this condition is largely held at bay by the four-second buffer created by slight broadcasting delays between their two satellites orbiting over the continental United States and their extensive ground network of repeaters.

^ Please refer to the Sirius website: www.sirius.com

^ Sirius Customer Care.

Audi Unit Replacement Procedure:

1. Refer to Kia TSB KT2008071101 for ESN procedure (General Information 023).

2. The dealer will need to call SIRIUS and request an "ESN Swap." In order to do this, please have the ESN from both the old and new units available.

Radios equipped with SIRIUS Traffic will have two ESNs (one for audio, one for data.)