Body/Glass - Replace Windshield Washer Pump Inlet Filter
Model Passenger Cars (PA)Group Body Electrical System(92)
Number KT2008050701
Date: Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Area N.America
Windshield Washer Pump Inlet Filter Replacement
- Description
This Pitstop bulletin provides information relating to foreign debris accumulation on the windshield washer pump inlet filter. Some 2003-2008 model year Kia vehicles may experience a limited application of windshield washer fluid when using the washer function. Limited application of windshield washer fluid can be caused by foreign debris on the washer pump inlet filter. To correct for this condition, a replacement washer pump inlet filter and windshield reservoir cleaning procedure is available. Do NOT replace windshield washer pump assembly for restricted inlet filters, failure to do so could lead to costly warranty charge backs.
Inspection/Replacement Procedure:
1. Activate the windshield washer function and determine if there is ample amount of windshield fluid application to the exterior glass surface. If the windshield washer fluid is below acceptable flow values, proceed to step two(2).
2. Low windshield fluid flow can be caused by restrictions at the windshield washer pump inlet filter. Consult the appropriate model specific Service Manual Body Electrical section for removal of the windshield washer pump. Some vehicle platforms may require the complete removal of the windshield washer reservoir to access the washer pump.
3. With the windshield washer pump removed from reservoir, remove the existing inlet pump filter with a small pick of flat blade screw driver. Replace the inlet filter with the new service part. Do not install the washer pump back into the washer reservoir until completion of step four (4).
4. With the windshield reservoir removed or in-vehicle, place a minimum three (3) liter or quart container under the washer reservoir. Using shop supplied water, throughly rinse the internals of the reservoir and flush any foreign debris from the washer reservoir.
5. Install the windshield washer pump with the newly installed inlet filter, to the washer reservoir. If the reservoir was removed, install the assembly into the vehicle in the reverse order of removal.
6. Fill and leak test the reservoir. Confirm there is ample amount of windshield fluid application to the windshield exterior surface.