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While cruise control is engaged, the vehicle can be accelerated using either the SET+ switch or the accelerator pedal. Each momentary press (less than 0.5 second) of the SET+ switch causes the interface ECU to output a SET MFL message to the ECM, which then increments the set speed by 0.6 mph (1 km/h) and accelerates the vehicle to the new set speed.

If the switch is held on, the interface ECU repeatedly sends the SET MFL message until the switch is released. While it receives the messages, the ECM keeps incrementing the stored set speed and accelerating the vehicle. When the switch is released and the messages stop, the ECM adopts the increased vehicle speed as the new set speed.

If the accelerator pedal is used to accelerate the vehicle, the ECM reverts to normal throttle control when it detects the demand from the accelerator pedal sensor exceeds that of the current throttle setting.

Provided the demand from the accelerator pedal sensor does not increase vehicle speed by more than 10 mph (16 km/h) above the set speed, for more than 30 seconds, cruise control remains engaged and the set speed is resumed once the accelerator pedal is released. If the SET+ switch is pressed before the accelerator pedal is released, the higher speed is adopted as the new set speed.