Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Remove - Disassembly

Cylinder Head - Decarbonise

Service Repair No - 12.29.19

1. Remove cylinder head.


1. Remove 3 bolts securing rear camshaft timing belt cover and remove cover.

2. Position LRT-112-175 to rear camshaft gears as illustrated, remove and discard bolts securing gears to camshafts.
3. Remove rear camshaft gears, timing belt and special tool as an assembly.
4. Remove LRT-12-175 from camshaft gears and remove timing belt from gears.
5. Remove spark plugs.

6. Progressively loosen then remove 7 bolts securing inlet manifold to cylinder head, remove inlet manifold and discard gasket.

7. Remove 4 bolts securing LH front camshaft timing belt cover backplate to cylinder head and remove backplate.

8. Remove 2 bolts securing LH rear camshaft timing belt cover backplate to cylinder head and remove backplate.

9. Check camshaft end-float using a DTL Camshaft end-float: = 0.06 to 0.19 mm.

10. Using sequence shown, progressively loosen 22 bolts securing camshaft carrier to cylinder head until valve spring pressure is released and remove bolts.
11. Remove camshaft carrier.

12. Remove camshafts and discard oil seals.
13. Using a stick magnet, remove 12 hydraulic tappets from cylinder head.

CAUTION: Store hydraulic tappets in their fitted order and store upright. Maintain absolute cleanliness when handling hydraulic tappets. Failure to observe these precautions can result in engine failure.

14. Measure the outside diameter of hydraulic tappet.
15. Clean camshafts, bearing running surfaces in carrier and cylinder head, carrier and cylinder head mating faces.
16. Inspect camshafts and replace camshafts if scored, pitted or excessively worn.
17. Position camshafts in cylinder head and place Plastigauge across each journal.

18. Refit camshaft carrier, fit bolts and tighten to 10 Nm (7.5 ft. lbs.). Do not rotate camshaft.

19. Using the sequence shown, progressively loosen and remove camshaft carrier bolts. Release and remove camshaft carrier from cylinder head.

20. Measure widest part of Plastigauge on each journal.
If clearance is excessive, fit new camshaft and repeat check. If still out of tolerance, renew cylinder head.
21. If clearance is excessive, fit new camshafts and repeat check. It clearance is still excessive renew cylinder head.

22. Using LRT-12-034, compress valve spring, remove 2 collets, release valve spring and remove LRT-112-034.
23. Remove valve spring cap and valve spring.
24. Remove valve from cylinder head.

25. Remove valve stem oil seal using LRT-12-071.
Discard stem seal.
26. Repeat procedure for remaining valves, keeping components in their fitted order.