Rear Suspension
Rear Suspension and Subframe Torque ValuesBackplate to hub bolts_45 Nm (3 lbf.ft)
Brake pipe to wheel cylinder union_ 14 Nm (10 lbf.ft)
Damper shaft self locking nut_ 57 Nm (42 lbf.ft)
Damper top mounting nuts_45 Nm (33 lbf.ft)
Differential mountings to casing bolts_ 65 Nm (48 lbf.ft)
Differential mountings to subframe_120 Nm (89 lbf.ft)
Hub to damper nuts and bolts_205 Nm 1(51 lbf.ft)
Hub drive shaft nut_ 400 Nm (295 lbf.ft) (Note 1) Tighten with weight of vehicle on suspension
Propeller shaft to rear axle bolts_ 65 Nm (48 lbf.ft )
Road Wheel Nuts (Lug)
- Vehicles prior to 2006 MY 115 Nm (85 lbf.ft)
- Vehicles 2006 MY onwards 150 Nm (110 lbf.ft)
Subframe to body bolts_ 190 Nm (140 lbf.ft)
Trailing link to rear hub nut and bolt_120 Nm (89 lbf.ft (Note 1) Tighten with weight of vehicle on suspension
Transverse links to hub nut and bolt_120 Nm (89 lbf.ft (Note 1) Tighten with weight of vehicle on suspension
�N�Q�Q�Manual Update On Torque And Procedure, Link:
Transverse link to subframe nuts and bolts_105 Nm (77 lbf.ft (Note 1) Tighten with weight of vehicle on suspension
(Note 1) Tighten with weight of vehicle on suspension
(Note 3) Tighten in diagonal sequence