Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Battery/Charging - Hard Start/Battery Lamp ON

No: 86/03/05/NAS
Issue: 1
Date: 02 May 2005

Low Battery Voltage Symptoms and Troubleshooting


Freelander (LN) All



A customer may report a concern regarding loss of vehicle electrical power and/or the following symptoms associated with low battery voltage:

^ Audio cutting out

^ Battery warning light illuminating

^ Difficult starting and difficulty maintaining idle in low ambient temperature conditions.

In extremely cold conditions it is possible that the battery is not being re-charged adequately. The symptoms are typically due to high levels of electrical accessory and electrical vehicle feature use during travel. The problem is not necessarily a fault with the alternator.



Canadian retailers please note that this Bulletin supersedes and replaces the preliminary information forwarded to you during December of 2004.

Should a customer express concern regarding the above, refer to the Diagnostic Procedure detailed in this bulletin to properly identify the source of the situation. Under certain extreme electrical usage conditions, the battery may not receive sufficient charging from the alternator. Replacement of the alternator may not solve the problem. The diagnostic checks in this Bulletin provide information for the correct diagnosis of charging system faults.


Locally Sourced:

MTP-91 Interstate Battery Qty 1


Repair procedures are under constant review, and therefore times are subject to change; those quoted here must be taken as guidance only. Always refer to DDW to obtain the latest repair time.

DDW requires the use of causal part numbers. Labor only claims must show the causal part number with a quantity of zero.

Normal warranty policy and procedures apply.



Of particular interest in the accessories inventory are non-approved telephone, navigation, audio and entertainment systems.

1. Identify and record all accessories connected to the electrical system.

2. Determine "quiescent" current drain (power drain when all items are switched off and powered down) that could lead to a low battery condition.

3. Verify security of alternator wiring, battery cables and ground connections. Repair where necessary.

4. Inspect all fuses and replace where necessary.

5. Install a fully charged known good battery.


The principle of this check is simple: Switch on a set of electrical loads with the engine running and measure the current output of the alternator to check the alternator performance.

^ It is important that consistent test conditions are created:

^ The test can only be done with a fully charged battery of known acceptable condition at workshop ambient temperature.

^ Alternator current delivery is dependant on the temperature of the alternator. The higher the alternator temperature, the lower the current output capability. This check must be carried out with the alternator at a stabilized, normal operating temperature with the engine cover in place.

6. Perform the check inside the workshop.

7. Ensure that the temperature of the battery is similar to the workshop temperature.

8. Connect 14 onto the vehicle.

9. Install the 14 "number 2" lead in to "port 2" of 14.

10. Connect the "Amps clamp" to the lead.

11. Install the "Amps clamp" onto the main power cable leading to the fuse box.

12. Install the latest Freelander 14 disk.

13. Select the RDS 14 option.

14. Select toolbox.

15. Select "Amps" from the screen display of meters with electronic symbols.

16. Verify the engine cover is correctly installed.

17. Run the engine at idle for at least ten minutes with all vehicle electrical features switched "off", until normal engine operating temperature is achieved.

Perform the alternator output measurements before the engine cooling fan starts.

An alternator will not produce its maximum output at engine idle speed. The engine must be running at a speed greater than 25OOrpm to give maximum alternator output.

18. Switch on the following electrical features noting alternator output:

^ Headlamps - dipped beam

^ Fog lamps - front

^ Fog lamps - rear

^ Heater blower -maximum speed but Air Con. OFF

^ Seat heat - left & right

^ Rear Screen heat

^ Front Screen heat

19. Before the heated screens reach the automatic time-out period and switch off, note the alternator current and the battery voltage with the engine speed held above 2500rpm.

The alternator should be delivering in excess of 105A with a battery terminal voltage greater than 13.7V. The system voltage will drop below this value if the engine cooling fan starts.

20. If the engine cooling fan starts during the test, perform the following:

^ Switch off all electrical features.

^ Switch off the engine.

^ Allow the engine to cool.

^ When the engine has cooled sufficiently, repeat the test in steps 18 and 19 with the engine running, but before the engine cooling fan re-starts.

21. When testing is complete, switch off all vehicle electrical features selected in step 18, stop the engine, isolate the battery and remove all test equipment.

Battery damage may have occurred on vehicles where the following symptoms have occurred:

^ Audio cutting out

^ Battery warning light illuminating

^ Difficult starting and idle in low ambient temperature conditions.

22. Install a new battery if the old battery has exhibited the symptoms in the NOTE above.

23. Install the latest engine calibration using 14:

^ Connect 14 to the vehicle and load disc Freelander 33 or a later version.

^ Follow the on-screen instructions and select "Vehicle Configuration".

^ Follow the on-screen instructions and select "EMS Checks and Renewal" to update the software. Return to the "Diagnostic System" screen and disconnect 14 from the vehicle.
