Barrel - Lock - Ignition Switch
86.65.14 Barrel - Lock - Ignition Switch
1. Remove centre console finisher.
2. Turn key in ignition switch to position 1.
3. Insert LRT-86-012 into ignition barrel access hole. Carefully turn LRT-86-012 clockwise to release ignition barrel from ignition switch.
4 Disconnect multiplug from passive coil.
5. Remove ignition barrel from ignition switch.
6. Remove ignition key.
7. Release and remove passive coil from ignition switch.
1. Fit and secure passive coil to ignition switch.
2. Turn key in ignition switch to position 1.
3. Insert LRT-86-012 into ignition barrel access hole. Carefully turn LRT-86-012 clockwise and fit ignition barrel into ignition switch.
4. Remove ignition key.
5. Connect multiplug to passive coil.
6. Fit centre console finisher.