Oil Seal - Pinion
51.20.01 Oil seal - pinionRemove
1. Raise vehicle on lift.
2. Remove exhaust system.
3. Remove 8 nuts securing centre heat shield and remove shield.
4. Remove 8 hexagonal headed screws securing fuel tank heat shield and remove shield.
5. Reference mark propeller shaft and differential to aid reassembly.
6. Remove 6 nuts securing propeller shaft to differential flange.
7. Remove 2 nuts securing propeller shaft support bearing, lower the propeller shaft, release flange from differential then temporarily support the bearing and secure with nuts.
8. Remove and discard locking plate.
9. Reference mark pinion nut and pinion shaft to aid reassembly.
10. Using LRT-51-003 restrain pinion flange and remove nut.
11. Position container to collect oil spillage.
12. Using a two legged puller remove pinion flange.
13. Carefully remove and discard oil seal, take care not to damage oil seal recess.
1. Clean oil seal recess.
2. Using LRT-12-179 with adapter LRT-51-019, fit new oil seal.
3. Clean pinion flange.
4. Fit pinion flange, fit nut, restrain flange using LRT-51-003 and tighten nut to align reference marks.
CAUTION: Do not tighten beyond reference marks.
5. Fit new locking plate.
6. Clean differential and propeller shaft flange mating faces.
7. Remove nuts securing support bearing, connect propeller shaft to differential flange and locate support bearing. Fit nuts securing support bearing but do not tighten at this stage.
8. Fit nuts securing propeller shaft to differential flange and tighten to 70 Nm (52 ft. lbs.).
9. Tighten nuts securing propeller shaft support bearing to 21 Nm (15 ft. lbs.).
10. Fit fuel tank heat shield and secure with screws.
11. Fit centre heat shield and secure with nuts.
12. Fit exhaust system.
13. Top-up differential with oil.