Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Rear Suspension

64.15.01 Hub
1. Raise rear of vehicle.

WARNING: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety stands.

2. Remove road wheel.
3. Release drive shaft hub nut stake.
4. With an assistant applying brakes, remove and discard drive shaft hub nut.

5. Remove brake disc.
6. Remove brake shoe upper return spring.

7. Rotate brake shoe retainers 90° and remove.

8. Remove brake shoe assembly complete with lower spring and adjuster.
9. Remove shoe expander.

10. Remove tie-rod.
11. Release ABS sensor lead from hub.

12. Remove bolt securing ABS sensor, release sensor and position aside.
13. Remove Allen screw securing hand brake cable bracket.
14. Remove bolt securing Handbrake cable to backplate.

15. Release Handbrake cable from backplate.
16. Fit centre screw LRT-60-030/3 to LRT-60-030/1 and fit to hub with spacer LRT-60-030/2. Secure with nuts LRT-60030/5.
17. Tighten centre screw to press drive shaft from flange.

18. Remove tools.
19. Reference mark eccentric in relationship to upper arm.

20. Remove and discard nut and bolt securing hub to upper arm. Release hub from arm.
21. Remove and discard nut and bolt securing lower arm to hub.
22. Remove hub assembly.

1. Clean drive shaft and flange splines.
2. Lightly lubricate splines.
3. Clean hub and mating faces on upper and lower arms.
4. Position hub assembly, fit new lower bolt and locate drive shaft in hub.
5. Align hub to upper arm, fit new bolt, align eccentric to reference mark and lightly tighten.

6. Tighten bolt securing lower arm to hub to 250 Nm (184 ft. lbs.).
7. Fit LRT-60-030/4 to drive shaft.
8. Fit LRT-60-030/1 with spacer LRT-60-030/2 and secure with nuts LRT-60-030/5.
9. Fit nut to LRT-60-030/4 and tighten nut to pull drive shaft into drive flange.
10. Remove tools.
11. Locate Handbrake cable to backplate, fit bolt and tighten to 8 Nm (6 ft. lbs.).
12. Position Handbrake cable bracket to upper arm, fit Allen screw and tighten to 5 Nm (3.7 ft. lbs.).
13. Clean ABS sensor, smear sensor with an anti-seize grease and fit sensor to hub.
14. Fit Allen screw securing ABS sensor and tighten to 8 Nm (6 ft. lbs.).
15. Fit tie rod.
16. Clean backplate and brake disc with brake cleaning fluid.
17. Clean expander.
18. Fit expander.
19. Position brake shoe assembly, fit retainers and upper return spring.
20. Fit brake disc.
21. Fit new hub nut and tighten to 420 Nm (311 ft. lbs.).
22. Stake nut to shaft.
23. Adjust Handbrake.
24. Fit road wheel and tighten nuts to 140 Nm (103 ft. lbs.).
25. Remove stands and lower vehicle.
26. Check wheel alignment.
27. Tighten bolt securing upper arm to hub to 165 Nm (121 ft. lbs.).