Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Illuminated Entry System Operation Check


The light that is lit in the illuminated entry system is explained below:
1. Turn the ignition switch to OFF, close all the doors, and set the driver's door in the lock condition.
2. Unlock the door and open any other door, and check that the room light comes on. Close the door, and check that the room light goes off within 15 seconds.
3. Turn the ignition switch to ON and open and close any other door. Check that the room light immediately goes off.
4. Turn ignition switch to OFF.
5. Open and close any door to turn the room light on. Before the room light goes off within 15 seconds, turn the ignition switch to ON, and check that the room light goes off immediately.
6. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
7. Open and close any door to light the room light. Before the light goes off within 15 seconds, lock the driver door. Check that the light goes off immediately.