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Electronic Leak Detection

Refrigerent Leak Detector:


CAUTION: Good ventilation is necessary in the area where electronic A/C leak testing is to be performed. If the surrounding air is contaminated with refrigerant gas, the leak detector will indicate this gas all the time. Odors from other chemicals such as anti-freeze, diesel fuel, disc brake cleaner, or other cleaning solvents can cause the same problem. A fan, even in a well-ventilated area, is very helpful in removing small traces of contamination from the air that might affect the leak detector.

1. Leak test the refrigerant system using R-134a Refrigerant Leak Detector. Follow instructions included with leak detector for handling and operation techniques.

NOTE: System pressure should be between 413 - 551 kPa (60 - 80 psi) at 24°C (75°F) with the engine off.

2. If a leak is found, Perform the Refrigerant Discharging and Recovery Procedure. Refrigerant Discharging and Recovery procedure