Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Special Tools:

Special Tools:

Special Tools:

1. Remove the front drive axle assembly.

2. Remove the differential housing cover.
1 Remove the drain plug.
2 Drain the fluid.
3 Remove the bolts.
4 Remove the differential housing cover.

3. CAUTION: The fixture mounting bolts must have the minimum specified thread engagement in the carrier.

Install the special tool.

4. Remove the axle housing tube.

5. Remove the coupler shaft selector gear and the axle cluster gear shaft.

6. Remove the axle shaft.
1 Remove the snap ring.
2 Remove the axle shaft.

7. CAUTION: The housing spreader adapter bolts must have the minimum specified thread engagement in the carrier.

Install the special tools.

8. Position the special tool on the spreader adapters.

9. Install the special tools.
- Position the adapter tip in the spreader adapter hole.

10. CAUTION: Overspreading can damage the axle housing.

Spread the axle housing to the specification.
1 Adjust the special tool to zero.
2 Tighten the housing spreader screw to spread the axle housing to the specification.
3 Remove the Dial Indicator.

11. CAUTION: Mark the differential bearing caps Top or Bottom and LH or RH appropriately before removing them. Always install the bearing caps in their original place and position.

Mark and remove the differential bearing caps.
1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the differential bearing caps.

12. CAUTION: Use wood blocks to avoid axle housing damage.

Remove the differential assembly from the axle housing.
1 Position the wood blocks.
2 Position and push down on the two pry bars.
3 Remove the differential assembly.
4 Remove special tool.

13. Index-mark the axle universal joint flange to the pinion stem.

14. Install the special tool and loosen, but do not remove the pinion nut.

15. With the pinion nut still engaged by a few threads, use the special tool to separate the axle universal joint flange from the pinion gear.
16. Remove the nut and the flange.

17. Using the special tool and a soft hammer, remove the pinion gear.
1 Install the special tool.
2 Hold the pinion gear inside the carrier housing.
3 Using a soft face hammer, remove the pinion gear from the carrier housing.

18. Discard the drive pinion collapsible spacer.

19. CAUTION: Do not damage the carrier housing while removing the pinion seal.

Remove the pinion seal and slinger.
- Pry up on the seal flange. Install gripping pliers, and strike with a hammer to remove the seal.
20. Remove the outer pinion bearing.

21. Using the special tools, remove the inner pinion bearing cup.

22. Note: The pinion bearing oil baffle aids in bearing lubrication. Normally, it is not necessary to remove the baffle.

If necessary, remove the pinion bearing oil baffle.

23. Remove the outer pinion bearing cup by tapping alternately on each side to prevent the cup from cocking.

24. Using the special tool and a suitable press, remove the pinion bearing.

25. Note: A drive pinion bearing adjustment shim sits under the pinion bearing. Use a micrometer to measure the shim thickness. Record the measurement for comparison to the shim gauge reading taken prior to installing the pinion bearing.

Remove and measure the drive pinion bearing adjustment shim.

26. Remove the ten bolts and the ring gear.
- Use a drift punch to separate the ring gear from the differential case.

27. Using the special tools, remove the differential bearings.