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Tracer Dye Leak Detection


NOTE: Ford Motor Company vehicles are produced with R-134a Leak Tracer Dye incorporated into the A/C system. The location of leaks can be pinpointed by the bright yellow-green glow of the tracer dye. Since more than one leak can exist, always inspect each component.

1. Check for leaks using a 120 Watt UV spot lamp.
2. Scan all components, fittings and lines of the A/C system.
3. After the leak is repaired, remove any traces of leak dye with a general purpose oil solvent.

4. Verify the repair by operating the system for a short time and inspecting with the UV spot lamp.

Tracer Dye Injection

NOTE: System pressure should be between 413 - 551 kpa (60 - 80 psi) at 24°C (75°F) with the engine off.

1. Install the Manifold Gauge Set or a recovery station. For additional information, refer to Manifold Gauge Set Connection.

2. Turn the valve on the fluorescent tracer dye injector all the way to the left to close the valve.

3. Fill the reservoir with 7 ml (0.25 ounce) of R-134a Fluorescent Tracer Dye 164-R3712.

4. Install the injector between the low-side quick disconnect and the vehicle low-pressure service gauge port valve.
5. Open all quick disconnect valves and charge the refrigerant system. For additional information, refer to Evacuation and Charging.
6. When system charging is complete, recover the refrigerant from the dye injector.
7. Remove the dye injector from the low-side quick disconnect valve.

NOTE: Only connect the dye-injector to the Manifold Gauge Set or the charging/recovery station when dye is to be injected. The dye injector has a one-way check valve that will prevent system refrigerant recovery and evacuation.