Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Rear Case Bushings

Special Tools:


1. Note: Remove any minor nicks or burrs using a fine oil stone. Remove the case bushings only if they show signs of excessive wear or scoring.

Inspect the case bushing bores for nicks or burrs.

2. CAUTION: Be careful not to damage the case bore while removing the bushing.

Note: Always replace both bushings when either bushing is replaced. However, remove and replace only one bushing at a time. Use the other bushing in the case to help align the tool and replacement bushing during installation.

Using the (A) Universal Bushing Remover and the (B) Impact Slide Hammer, remove the rear case bushing.


1. Note: The rear case bushing has one lube groove. The front case bushing has three lube grooves.

Place the (A) rear case bushing onto the (B) Rear Case Bushing Replacer.

2. Place the other portion of the (A) Rear Case Bushing Replacer and the (B) 127 mm (5 inch) Threaded Drawbar through the case and into the front case bushing.

3. CAUTION: Make sure the bushing and tool are centered in the bore.

Place the (A) rear case bushing with the (B) Rear Case Bushing Replacer over the (C) 127 mm (5 inch) Threaded Drawbar and into the case. Install the (D) washer and the (E) nut hand-tight.

4. Hold the (A) drawbar with a 1/2 inch wrench while turning the (B) nut with a 1-1/8 inch wrench until the (C) rear case bushing is fully seated. Remove the tools.