Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



1. Using a suitable press and the special tools, install the front output shaft support bearing, if removed.

2. Using the special tool, install the oil seal.

3. Install the dust shield, if removed.

4. NOTE: Support the front output shaft during installation.

Install the front output shaft.
1 Position the front output shaft.
2 Install the snap ring.

5. install the snap ring.

6. Install the ring gear, if removed.
1 Position the ring gear.
2 Install the snap ring.

7. CAUTION: Be careful not to crush the bearing cage.

If removed? using a suitable press and the special tool, install the needle bearing into the front planet.

8. If removed, using a suitable press, install the front planet support bearing.

9. Install the snap ring.

10. NOTE: Rotate the front planet for correct positioning in the transfer case.

Install the front planet.
1 Depress the snap ring.
2 Position the front planet.

11. Using the special tools, install the oil seal.

12. CAUTION: Be careful not to crush the seal.

Using the special tool, install the shifter shaft seal, if removed.

13. Using a suitable press and the special tool, install the rear output shaft support bearing, if removed.

14. Using a suitable press and the special tool, install the front output shaft rear bearing, if removed.

15. Install the shift cam assembly.

16. Install the shift fork shaft.

17. Install the reduction shift fork assembly and the reduction hub as an assembly.

18. Install the oil pump assembly and the output shaft as an assembly.

19. Install the oil pan magnet into its slot in the case.

20. Install the lockup collar and assembly and the lockup fork as an assembly.

21. Install the three-piece thrust bearing assembly (non-directional).
1 Install the thrust washer.
2 Install the thrust bearing.
3 Install the thrust washer.

22. Install the drive chain assembly and the sprockets as an assembly.

23. Install the front output shaft tone wheel.

24. CAUTION: When removing or installing the clutch assembly, do not separate the clutch pack assembly. The thrust washer in the lower clutch pack uses tabs to hold it in place. If the thrust washer is not in place, a transfer case clearance problem can occur.

Install the clutch pack assembly.

25. Install the new snap ring.

26. Install the wave spring.

27. Install the cam and the steel balls.
1 Install the cam.
2 Install the steel balls.

28. Install the cam/coil housing.

29. Install the thrust bearing assembly.
1 Install the thin thrust bearing race.
2 Install the thrust bearing.
3 Install the thick thrust bearing race.

30. Install the snap ring.

31. Install the lockup shift fork spring.

32. NOTE: Support the coil during installation.

Install the coil if removed.
1 Position the coil in the case.
2 Tighten the coil nuts.

33. CAUTION: Applying too much silicone sealant can plug the fluid filter and cause transfer case failure.

Apply a small bead of silicone sealant to the transfer ease mating surfaces.
^ Use Black Non-Acid Cure Silicone Rubber E7TZ-1 9562-A or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESL-M4G273-A.

34. Position the two transfer case halves, and tighten the bolts in the sequence shown in the illustration.

35. NOTE: Lift up on the output shaft while installing the snap ring.

Install the snap ring.

36. Install the tone wheel and the tone wheel spacer.

37. CAUTION: Applying too much silicone sealant can plug the fluid filter and cause transfer case failure.

Apply a small bead of sealant to the transfer case and the extension housing mating surfaces.
^ Use Black Non-Acid Cure Silicone Rubber E7TZ-19562-A or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESL-M4G273-A.

38. Install the extension housing.
1 Pull the wire through the extension housing.
2 Position the extension housing.
3 Install the bolts.

39. Using the special tool, install the oil seal if removed.

40. CAUTION: Make sure the sensor seats flat against the boss.

Install the rear output shaft speed sensor.

41. CAUTION: Make sure the sensor seats flat against the boss.

Install the front output shaft speed sensor.

42. Install the transfer case shift motor.

43. Install the front and rear output shaft speed sensor wire pins in the locations noted during their removal.

44. Install the coil wire pin in the electrical connector.
1 Install the coil wire pin.
2 Install the wire connector spacer.

45. Remove the transfer case from the special tool.
46. Install the transfer case in the vehicle.