Seat Cushion Cover - Rear
Seat Cushion Cover - Rear
Removal and Installation
1. Remove the rear seat cushion. For additional information, refer to Seat Cushion - Rear Seat Cushion - Rear.
2. If equipped, remove 5 screws and the grille.
3. If equipped, remove the hog rings retaining the cushion cover wire to the cushion foam pad wire and the draw strings to the cover wires.
4. If equipped, separate the cushion cover retainers attached to the hard foam.
5. Invert the cushion cover.
6. NOTICE: Use care when separating the cushion cover from the hook-and-loop strip, or the hook-and-loop strip can be torn from the cushion foam pad.
Remove the hog rings (if equipped), separate the hook-and-loop strips and remove the cushion cover.
7. To install, reverse the removal procedure.