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Condition C

Condition C: Wind noise/fluttering noise at rear corner window area

1988-'91 2-Door Coupe

1. Prepare a tube of silicone sealer as shown. Figure 21.

2. Clean the rear quarter window glass and apply silicone between the glass and the garnish. Figure 22.

3. Using a spatula, push the silicone into the area between the glass and garnish.

4. Remove all protruding silicone. Figure 23.

Silicone will cure and become hard in approximately 24 hours.

1988-'91 4-Door Sedan

1. Take out the garnish and glass removing any remaining sponge tape around them.

2. Clean the above mentioned area with alcohol or degreaser to remove grease and oil.

3. Apply the primer to the glass. Allow the primer to dry for approximately 10 minutes.

4. Adhere double-coated tape to the garnish (in the previously taped area). Figure 24.

When adhering the double-coated tape, set the tape beforehand to make sure the tape is positioned correctly.