Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Attachment I

1988 626/MX-6 EC-AT Special Service Program --- SSP05

A. Description of Program

The owners of subject vehicles will be notified on and after January 15, 1988 by first class mail to bring their vehicles to an authorized Mazda dealer for countermeasure work. This program will commence on January 15, 1988 and close on January 14, 1989.

B. Subject Vehicles

The subject vehicles are within the following VIN and EC-AT serial number range.

VIN Range: JM1 GD****J1 501642-515795 1YV GD31**J5 100576-100833

* : Can be any number/letter.

EC-AT Serial Number Range: 035241-040898

As we do not have any records to know the relationship between VIN and EC-AT serial numbers, we have to extend the VIN range and check the EC-AT serial number on vehicles which fall within the extended VIN range.

C. Dealer Inventory Vehicles

All subject vehicles in dealer inventory must be repaired prior to delivery.

D. Necessary Parts

Forward and Reverse Clutch Repair Kit:
8AG2 19 500 (for non-turbo models) 8AG3 19 500 (for turbo models) EC-AT Assembly:
FU3A 19 090W (626/MX-6 non-turbo models) FU3H 19 090B (MX-6 turbo models) FU3J 19 090B (626 turbo models)

One forward and reverse clutch repair kit (P/N 8AG2 19 500) for 626/MX-6 NON-TURBO models will be preshipped to each dealer.

Place your VOR order for additional repair kits for either NON-TURBO OR TURBO 626/MX-6 to your nearest Mazda Parts Warehouse after you confirm the need for replacement on owner's vehicle at your service department.

Also place your order for any 626/MX-6 EC-AT assemblies to the Quality Assurance Department of your nearest Mazda Regional Office after you confirm the need for replacement on owner's vehicle at your service department.

E. Repair Procedure

Refer to the attachment II.
F. Warranty Information

1) Replacement of Forward and Reverse Clutch Assembly

Consumer Comment Code: 99
Damage Code: 99
Part Number of Main Cause: 8AG2 19 500 (non-turbo models) or 8AG3 19 500 (turbo models)
Quantity: 1 - when replacing a forward and reverse clutch assembly
Process No: A7031A Operation No. & Labor Hour:
Replacement of Forward and
Reverse Clutch Assembly: XX0231RX 2.2 Hr. (including inspection)
Inspection of EC-AT Serial Number only: XX0240RX 0.2 Hr.

2) Replacement of EC-AT Assembly

Consumer Comment Code: 99
Damage Code: 99
Part Number of Main Cause: FU3A 19 090W (626/MX-6 non-turbo models), FU3H 19 090B (MX-6 turbo models) or FU3J 19 090B (626 turbo models)
Quantity: 0 (Zero)
Process No: A7031B
Operation No. & Labor Hour: XX0232RX 3.5 Hr. (including inspection)

If the owner has a complaint about his/her 626/MX-6 EC-AT of which the serial number is out of the subject range, handle this complaint following the ordinary warranty claim processing procedure.

G. Loaner Car & Rental Car

In this special service program, a loaner car or a rental car will be provided free of charge on the following conditions for the purpose of minimizing inconvenience to owner. However, the loaner car/rental car must be a 626 or smaller and the owner is responsible for the insurance and fuel costs.

1) When the owner brings his/her 626/MX-6 to the dealer a second time for the forward and reverse clutch assembly replacement and the owner demands a temporary vehicle, a loaner car/rental car will be provided to the owner not exceeding one full working day.

A loaner car/rental car will not be provided for the 1st visit.

If the loaner car/rental car is provided for more than one day. DSM's prior authorization is required.

2) When EC-AT replacement is necessary, the owner should leave his/her 626/MX-6 at the dealer. It may take about three working days until a new EC-AT assembly arrives at the dealer and the replacement is finished. In such case, if the owner demands a temporary vehicle, a loaner car/rental car will be provided to the owner for a period not exceeding three working days.

If the loaner car/rental car is provided for more than three working days, DSM's prior authorization is required.

Please claim the loaner car/rental car expense as sublet repair charge (enter "X" in the sublet code column) following the ordinary warranty claim processing procedure. Please enter the dealer number, claim number & VIN on the receipts of loaner car/rental car expense and send the copies to the Warranty Department of your Importer by mail as soon as the repair is completed.