Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Manufacturer Code Charts: 1631

Component Y3/8n4 (Fully integrated transmission control (VGS) control unit) is defective.

Possible cause:

- Y3/8n4 (Fully integrated transmission control (VGS) control unit)
Affected functions:

- Automatic transmission Function


Test 1: Remedial action if component 'Y3/8n4 (Fully integrated transmission control (VGS) control unit)' is faulty

1. Remedial action if component 'Y3/8n4 (Fully integrated transmission control (VGS) control unit)' is faulty
Test prerequisites

- First of all process all other current fault codes.

- Component Y3/8n4 (Fully integrated transmission control (VGS) control unit) is defective.

- Print out the initial quick test log before processing the fault code 1631.
- Create control unit log.
Important notes before commencing repair measures

- Always use the same diagnostic unit after the repair measure.
Continue with button F2


- Data are being read from the old control unit.
Start process with button F2.

1. No further information available.