Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


The actuation of ignition coil 8 has a short circuit to ground.
Check component 'T1/5 (Cylinder 5 ignition coil)'.


Safety information for high voltage

Risk of death due to high voltage in ignition system!

- Electronic ignition systems operated within a hazardous power range both on the low voltage side (primary circuit) as well as on the high voltage side (secondary circuit).
- Touching these parts can result in burning, heart fibrillation or cardiac arrest.

Safety instructions/precautions

- Persons with cardiac pacemakers may not perform any work on the ignition system.
- Switch off ignition when working on ignition system.
- Do not touch any components of the ignition system when starting the combustion engine or when the combustion engine is running.
- Wear safety shoes with rubber soles.
- Do not install any uninsulated intermediate pieces in the ignition line.

Only ignition ?

Safety information for high voltage

Risk of death due to high voltage in ignition system!

- Electronic ignition systems operated within a hazardous power range both on the low voltage side (primary circuit) as well as on the high voltage side (secondary circuit).
- Touching these parts can result in burning, heart fibrillation or cardiac arrest.

Safety instructions/precautions

- Persons with cardiac pacemakers may not perform any work on the ignition system.
- Switch off ignition when working on ignition system.
- Do not touch any components of the ignition system when starting the combustion engine or when the combustion engine is running.
- Wear safety shoes with rubber soles.
- Do not install any uninsulated intermediate pieces in the ignition line.

The ignition system can be tested at the primary and secondary sides.
In the event of complaints after a cold start or in the warm-up phase, do not warm up the combustion engine to operating temperature, but proceed according to the complaint.
The resistance of the secondary winding cannot be measured because of a diode path.

Test secondary voltage of component 'T1/5 (Cylinder 5 ignition coil)'.

- As an example, the illustration shows the connection of the secondary adapter to cylinder 1 of combustion engine '{1}'.
- A Secondary coil adapter cable
- B Secondary adapter
- T1/1 (Cylinder 1 ignition coil)

Test procedure

- Switch off ignition.
- Connect secondary adapter to component 'T1/5 (Cylinder 5 ignition coil)' using the secondary coil adapter cable.
- Connect test cables A2 and A7 of Star Diagnosis measurement technology to jacks of secondary coil adapter cable (see picture).
- Observe oscilloscope pattern between A7 and A2
- Actuate the starter and allow the combustion engine to run if possible.

Test 1: Continue

The check was OK.
End of test

End of test
Result: Pass


Test 1: Continue

The measured value is OK.
Possible cause and remedy

- Component 'T1/5 (Cylinder 5 ignition coil)' is defective.

End of test

End of test
Result: Pass