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GF82.60-P-2020GQ Media Interface Function

GF82.60-P-2020GQ Media Interface Function
- with CODE (518) Media interface

Function requirements, general
^ C. 30g ON or c. 15R ON

Depending on the equipment installed one of the following control units will be installed, hereafter referred to as the "audio unit":
- Radio (A2)
(with code (510) Audio 20 with CD changer)
- Radio and navigation unit (A2/56)
(with code (525) MB Audio 50 APS radio or with code (511) Audio 50 APS with DVD changer)
- COMAND operating, display and controller unit (A40/3)
(with code (528) COMAND with DVD changer or with code (527) COMAND APS with single DVD drive (with navigation) or with code (512) COMAND APS with DVD changer)

Media interface, general
The media interface function is also referred to as the universal device connecting point. It allows the following portable terminals to be connected to the "audio equipment" via an adapter cable, the media interface connector 1 (X18/67), the media interface control unit (N125/1) and the Media Oriented System Transport (MOST):
- AUX unit (class 1) (e.g. MP3-player)
- "iPod"
- Universal serial bus (USB) unit ("Device Subclass 6") (e.g. USB sticks, USB hard disks)

As of 1.7.09 (without code (510) Audio 20 with CD changer) With audio source "Aux" (via media interface adapter cable (accessory)) "Standard" and "Boost" can be selected under the "Volume" menu. The input level is increased by selecting "Boost".

The conventional AUX jack installed in the glove box is eliminated.

Operating instructions
The portable devices listed are controlled using one of the following controls:
- Buttons on "Audio equipment"
- Left multifunction steering wheel button group (S110) and right multifunction steering wheel button group (S111)

Menu guidance and graphic representation of the menu guidance is accomplished on the "Audio equipment" display and is dependent on the specific portable device connected.

Function sequence for media interface
The media interface control unit is supplied with power via two direct lines (circuit 31 and circuit 30). If a portable device is connected, it is recognized by the media interface control unit via the following route:
- Adapter cable
- Media interface connector 1

The media interface control unit then transmits a signal to the COMAND controller unit, which then switches to the connected source.

Simultaneously the audio signals and data are transferred from the portable device connected to the "Audio equipment" via the following route:
- Adapter cable
- Media interface connector 1
- Media interface control unit

The video signals and data are transferred from media interface connector 1 to the "audio equipment" via direct lines.
The user can now display the audio signals and data or video signals and data on the display of the "audio equipment" by selecting the "Media Interface" menu item in the "Disk" menu and the relevant "Media Interface" or "Music" submenu item. The video signals and data are transferred to the "Audio equipment" display internally in the "Audio equipment".

The "Media Interface" menu item in the "Disc" menu and the relevant submenu item are selected using one of the following controls:
- Control buttons on "Audio unit"
- Multifunction steering wheel button groups

The control signals from the control buttons on the "audio equipment" are processed internally.
The control signals of the multifunction steering wheel button groups are forwarded to the "Audio equipment" via the following route:
- Steering LIN (LIN E1)
- Steering column module (N80)
- Engine compartment CAN (CAN C)
- Instrument cluster (A1)
- Interior CAN (CAN B)

After evaluation of the control signals in the "Audio equipment", they are forwarded by the "Audio equipment" to the portable device connected via the following route:
- Media interface control unit
- Media interface connector 1
- Adapter cable

The portable device connected evaluates the control signals and sends the corresponding audio signals and data to the "Audio equipment" via the following route:
- Adapter cable
- Media interface connector 1
- Media interface control unit

The video signals and data are transferred from media interface connector 1 to the "audio equipment" via direct lines.

The video signals and data representation on the "Audio equipment" display takes place internally in the "Audio equipment". In vehicles with code (810) Sound system, the audio signals and data are output by the "audio equipment" via the MOST to the amplifier for sound system (N40/3) and from there via direct lines to the following speakers:
- Speaker Left front door (H4/5)
- Right front door speaker (H4/6)
- Left rear door speaker (H4/3)
- Right rear door speaker (H4/4)
- Left front door tweeter (H4/33)
- Right front door tweeter (H4/34)
- Left rear door tweeter (H4/35)
- Right rear door tweeter (H4/36)
- Center cockpit speaker (centerfill) (H4/27)
- Left rear surround speaker (H4/54)
- Right rear surround speaker (H4/57)

The audio signals and data for the subwoofer speaker (H4/29) travel via the MOST from the "audio equipment" to the amplifier for sound system and from there, via the subwoofer amplifier (N40/9) using direct lines, to the subwoofer speaker.

In vehicles without code (810) Sound system, the audio signals and data are output by the "Audio equipment" via direct lines to the following speakers:
- Left front door speaker
- Right front door speaker
- Left rear door speaker
- Right rear door speaker
- Left front door tweeter
- Right front door tweeter
- Left rear door tweeter
- Right rear door tweeter