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GF82.62-P-5016RC Rod Antenna, Component Description

GF82.62-P-5016RC Rod Antenna, Component Description

Component Identification:

The rod antenna is located at the left rear side wall.

The task of the rod antenna is subdivided into the following sub-tasks:
^ Receiving signals
^ Transmitting signals

Receiving signals
The rod antenna receives the following signals:
- AM/FM signals
- Radio remote central locking signals
- Mobile radio data and signals, with code (386) Mobile phone, code (359) TELE AID emergency call system or with code (498) Japan version
- DAB III signals, with code (537) Digital radio and code (833) Great Britain version

Transmitting signals
The rod antenna transmits mobile radio data and signals in vehicles with the following equipment code:
- Code (386) Mobile phone
- Code (359) TELE AID emergency call system
- Code (498) Japan version