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GF82.62-P-3121RC Left Antenna Amplifier Module, Component Description

GF82.62-P-3121RC Left Antenna Amplifier Module, Component Description

Component Identification:

The left antenna amplifier module is installed inside the trunk on the left side wall.

The task of the left antenna amplifier module is subdivided into the following partial tasks:
^ Receiving signals
^ Separating and amplifying signals
^ Relaying signals

Receiving signals
The left antenna amplifier module receives the following signals from the rod antenna (A28):
- FM and AM signals
- Mobile phone signals and data for code (386) Mobile phone
- Signals for radio remote central locking (RRCL [FZV])
- DAB III signals for code (537) Digital radio

The left antenna amplifier module continues to receive the following signals:
- Circuit 30
- Circuit 31

Separating and amplifying signals
The left antenna amplifier module separates the following signals:
- FM and AM signals
- Mobile phone signals and data for code (386) Mobile phone
- Signals for radio remote central locking (RRCL [FZV])
- DAB III signals for code (537) Digital radio

Relaying signals
The left antenna amplifier module forwards the following signals to the corresponding components:
- FM and AM signals, to the radio (A2), to the radio and navigation unit (A2/56) or to the COMAND operating, display and controller unit (A40/3)
- Mobile phone signals and data, to the emergency call system control unit (N123/4) for code (359) TELE AID emergency call system, to the Bluetooth module (A34/7) for code (386) Mobile phone or to the radio, to the radio and navigation unit or to the COMAND operating, display and controller unit
- Signals of the radio remote central locking (RRCL [FZV]) to the rear SAM control unit with fuse and relay module (N10/2)
- DAB III signals for code (537) Digital radio