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GF80.50-P-4105-01SK ATA Inclination Sensor, Function

GF80.50-P-4105-01SK ATA Inclination Sensor, Function
- with CODE (551) Anti-theft alarm system (ATA [EDW])

The electrodes in the ATA inclination sensor (B33) are immersed partially in an electrolyte (electrically conductive fluid). The ATA inclination sensor (B33) detects a change of the vehicle inclination due to the changes in the resistance between the electrodes. When the anti-theft alarm (ATA) is activated, the value for the vehicle position is stored.

If the vehicle is now moved with the anti-theft alarm (ATA) activated
^ by 3° to 3.5° along the horizontal axis at a change rate of 1° ±0.5° per minute or
^ if the vehicle is lifted (before a wheel looses contact to the ground),

the ATA inclination sensor (B33) relays a signal to the rear SAM control module with fuse and relay module (N10/2, which then actuates an alarm.

Vehicle inclinations below 0.5° do not trigger an alarm