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AR40.30-P-0410P Measuring Rear Axle Carrier (Removed)

AR40.30-P-0410P Measuring Rear Axle Carrier (Removed)

1 Remove/install rear axle
2 Remove/install rubber bushing in rear axle mount
3 Set up Celette straightening bench modular members
- Refer to Body Plan - Celette straightening bench

4 Insert checking fixtures (048a, 048b) into supports of Celette straightening bench
5 Place complete rear axle carrier (with half shaft) or as component on the checking fixture (048a, 048b)
6 Measure dimension "L1-L3"

- Insert checking pin (049) into appropriate reference bores and secure with bolts. Do not tighten the checking pin to allow alignment of the centralizing bores when measuring.
- Insert checking pin (L=38 mm) into supports of camber strut, tension arm and torque strut