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AS67.00-Z-0001-01A Risk of Injury Caused By Slipping When Inserting Blade In the Multicutter and By Glass Splinters When

AS67.00-Z-0001-01A Risk Of Injury Caused By Slipping When Inserting Blade In The Multicutter And By Glass Splinters When Cutting Out Bonded Windows

- Always interrupt air supply or power supply before inserting or removing blade.
- Wear protective gloves and safety glasses.

Risk of injury
When inserting or removing the blade for the multicutter, body parts may be cut if the tightening wrench slips or if the multicutter switches on unintentionally.

Injuries to eyes and hands may be caused by flying glass splinters when cutting out bonded windows

Safety instructions/precautions
- Wear protective gloves.
- Wear safety glasses when cutting out window glass.

Pneumatic multicutter:
- Always interrupt air supply when inserting or removing multicutter blade.

Electric multicutter:
- Always interrupt power supply when inserting or removing multicutter blade.