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GF54.30-P-2007SK Instrument Cluster Lighting, Functions

GF54.30-P-2007SK Instrument Cluster Lighting, Functions

Illumination (A1e8) for the instrument cluster (A1) automatically assumes operation whenever the instrument cluster module (A1) is activated.
Adjustments in the intensity of the instrument cluster's (A1) illumination are governed by the rain/light sensor (B38/2).Signals from the rain/light sensor (B38/2) are monitored by the roof-mounted assemblies ECU (N70).
The roof-mounted assemblies ECU (N70) uses the intensity of the incident light to determine whether it is dark or light, and furnishes corresponding data to the Class B Controller Area Network bus (CAN-B). The instrument cluster module (A1) registers these signals to control activation of the instrument lighting (A1e8) in its daytime or night-time mode.

Intensity adjustment in night-time mode
The instensity of the lighting for the instrument cluster (A1) can be adjusted using the rheostat for instrument and search illumination (+/-).

Intensity adjustment during daytime use
A phototransistor within the instrument cluster (A1) governs illumination intensity during daytime operation. The adjustment range provided by the rheostat for instrument lighting and search illumination (+/-) is only minimal.

There is a 3 second lag before the instrument lighting responds in changes to ambient light with corresponding adjustments in intensity.