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GF07.61-P-5001V Voltage Supply of ME-SFI Control Unit, Function

GF07.61-P-5001V Voltage Supply Of ME-SFI Control Unit, Function

Component Identification:

Component Identification:

Engine circuit 87 relay supplied through circuit 30z.

If the relay has closed the power contact, power is supplied from circuit 30z via two fuses as circuit 87 M1 and circuit 87 M2 to the engine control in the ME control unit (N3/10).
Engine circuit 87 relay is actuated by ME control unit at the ground end if the "Circuit . 15 On" signal from the EIS control unit (N73) is detected by the ME control unit.

If the ME control unit detects the "Circuit 15 Off" signal from the EIS control unit, engine circuit 87 relay remains actuated until the computer has powered down.

If the computer has powered down, engine circuit 87 relay is switched off and the ME control unit, and therefore the engine control, is disconnected from the on-board electrical system.

The ME control unit features a short-circuit protection as well as a reversed polarity protection in the operating voltage section.