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GF47.10-P-2000VA Component Description For the Fuel Tank

GF47.10-P-2000VA Component Description For The Fuel Tank
- MODEL 171 with ENGINE 272.942 /963 up to Model Year 8

75 Fuel tank

The fuel tank is located at the front in the trunk above the rear axle.

45 Fuel filler neck, (United States of America) with ORVR (Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery))
55/2 Fuel filter with fuel pressure regulator
55/2a Fuel pressure regulator
75 Fuel tank
B4 Fuel level sensor
M3 Fuel pump

The fuel tank is made out of sheet steel and has a capacity of 70 liters.
A number of baffle plates prevent a gasoline smell.

The fuel flows from the fuel pump over a fuel line to the fuel filter with fuel pressure regulator.

Excess fuel flows from the fuel pressure regulator back into the fuel feed module.
A suction jet pump is installed below to ensure that the fuel feed module is supplied with sufficient fuel. This is supplied with fuel from the return line.

The filtered fuel (with controlled fuel pressure) is passed on from the fuel pressure regulator via a fuel line to the engine (single line system).

The housing of the fuel delivery module serves as a swirl pot. While cornering with a low level of fuel in the fuel tank, it prevents the fuel pump from drawing air.

A fuel strainer is installed at the feed point to the fuel pump (coarse filter).

The signal from the fuel level sensor is transmitted to the rear SAM control unit with fuse and relay module which passes on the signal over the CAN data bus to the instrument cluster.