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GF91.40-P-1600-01SK Buckle Emergency Tensioning Retractor, Task

GF91.40-P-1600-01SK Buckle Emergency Tensioning Retractor, Task

The driver buckle emergency tensioning retractor squib (R46) in the driver buckle emergency tensioning retractor and the front passenger buckle emergency tensioning retractor squib (R46/1) in the front passenger buckle emergency tensioning retractor remove seat belt slack in the event of a crash (head-on or rear end collision). They also prevent the film reel effect of the respective seat belt caused by premature seat belt buckle tightening. The close-fitting seat belt means that vehicle occupants are exposed to the deceleration forces acting on the body at an earlier stage.

Seat belt slack
Because of the occupant's clothes and the soft inertia reel, the belt does not lie snugly against the body of the driver or the front passenger.

Film reel effect
This term is the name for the delayed effect of the seat belt reel, before the loosely wound belt starts to tighten.