Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

AH00.00-N-0011-01A Notes on Evaluating Leakages

AH00.00-N-0011-01A Notes On Evaluating Leakages

Before starting repair work due to leakage from a major assembly, the type of leakage present must be carefully checked.
^ Moist areas from which no liquid is dripping or running are no cause for complaint. This is known as "Sweating".

Even with today's levels of sealing technology, this "sweating" cannot be prevented in all cases and has no negative effect on system function. Any repair work performed will only result in an improved appearance. As such, it cannot be justified.

For a closer inspection, clean the affected area and observe for an appropriate period of time.
^ If the complaint concerns fluid that is visibly dripping or running, then appropriate repairs must be performed to stop this type of leakage.