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AH54.00-P-1000-01A Evaluating electronic components after repair and painting work and after accidents

AH54.00-P-1000-01A Evaluating Electronic Components After Repair And Painting Work And After Accidents

1. With paint drying in drying oven
Electronic components, such as the switching unit for the ignition system, the control unit for the electronic fuel/diesel injection system, the ABS system, airbag, emergency tensioning retractors etc. may only be heated up to an object temperature of maximum 90 °C.

In cases of doubt the temperature at these points should be checked by a series of measurements (remove electronic components beforehand) by means of a mercury maximum thermometer during the baking phase.

If the maximum permissible temperature is not exceeded, the electronic components need not be removed.

No particular safety measures are required at an object temperature up to max. 60 °C (air injection temperature max. 90 °C).

2. With welding
Always disconnect and cover the negative terminal of the battery. Disconnect airbag 10-pin data link connector (color red) in the right footwell after waiting for 2 seconds after disconnecting the battery or as of 07/93 detach the coupling on the airbag control unit using the insertion and removal aid.

3. After accidents
Replacing electronic control units after an accident is only necessary if at least one of the following conditions is met:
^ The housing is recognizably deformed or damaged.
^ The contact surface or bearing bracket is deformed; externally the unit does not appear damaged.
^ The connector is damaged or corroded by moisture.
^ Faults are established by a function test or self-diagnosis of the unit.

If electronic components, such as the ABS control unit, have been removed for repair and are then used again, these should be checked for proper operation after assembly.

Read fault memory and erase