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Brake Fluid Is Toxic

Brake Fluid Is Toxic

Risk Of Poisoning
Swallowing brake fluid leads to symptoms of poisoning such as headache, dizziness, stomachache, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and unconsciousness. Consumption of more than 100 cm3 of brake fluid can be fatal.

Risk Of Injury
Irritation may occur if brake fluid comes into contact with skin.

Rules of conduct/protective measures
- Ensure accessibility for authorized persons only.
- Only store brake fluid in original containers.
- Only pour brake fluid into suitable and properly labeled containers.
- Do not pour brake fluid into beverage bottles, such as for mineral water, beer etc.
- Wear safety glasses and protective clothing such as rubber gloves.

If it is not possible to wear rubber gloves, the following points must be observed:
- Allow brake fluid to come into contact with skin for as short a time as possible. Wash brake fluid-covered skin with soap and water.
- Change out of brake fluid-covered clothes as soon as possible.

First Aid
Wash brake fluid-covered skin with soap and water. Change out of brake fluid-covered clothes as soon as possible. If brake fluid comes into contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and contact a physician.