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GF46.50-P-2600A Speed-Sensitive Power Steering at Vehicle Speeds

GF46.50-P-2600A Speed-sensitive power steering at vehicle speeds
- Models 171, 203, 209, 211
- with CODE (213) Speed-sensitive power steering

Component Identification:

Component Identification:

As the vehicle speed increases, the energization of the SPS [PML] solenoid valve (Y10) decreases continuously; this is opened by the force of the integral push spring. The regulated pressure is transmitted via the control spool (9) to the reaction balls (4), which causes the pressure acting on the v-shaped surfaces of the rotary slide (12) to rise. The force on the torsion bar (10) is thus further increased and the driver must operate the steering wheel with a higher steering moment.

The constant constriction orifice (8) reduces the regulated pressure from the SPS solenoid valve (Y10). This is then passed on as an almost depressurized backflow to the power steering pump reservoir.