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GF46.50-P-2700A Speed-Sensitive Power Steering at Vehicle Speeds > 100 km/H When Steering, Function

GF46.50-P-2700A Speed-sensitive power steering at vehicle speeds > 100 km/h when steering, function
- Model 171, 203, 209, 211
- with CODE (213) Speed-sensitive power steering

Component Identification:

Vehicle speed v > 100 km/h
The SPS [PML] solenoid valve (Y10) is energized to the minimum extent. This causes the maximum possible pressure from the SPS solenoid valve (Y10) to be directed via the control spool (9) onto the reaction balls (4), increasing the pressure acting on the v-shaped surfaces of the rotary slide (12) to the maximum.

The constant constriction orifice (8) reduces the regulated pressure from the SPS solenoid valve (Y10). This is then passed on as an almost depressurized backflow to the power steering pump reservoir.