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AH40.10-P-1020-03A Limited Maximum Speed For Winter Tires With Speed Index V

AH40.10-P-1020-03A Limited maximum speed for winter tires with speed index V

Restricted maximum speed for winter tires with identification "V" (speed index)

For V tires the maximum tire load capacity according to ETRTO (European Tire and Rim Technical Organization) standard is only given up to 210 km/h.

As speed increases beyond 210 km/h the permissible tire load capacity is reduced by the so-called load allowance (1.5 % per 5 km/ h) up to 91 % at 240 km/h.

This may mean that the vehicle cannot be operated without restriction up to 240 km/h. The maximum speed results depending on the load index of the tire and permissible axle load of the vehicle (as per number 16 of the vehicle registration document).

This can be determined on a vehicle-specific basis with the aid of the corresponding load allowance table for the V winter tires.

A corresponding M & maximum speed label is to be attached in the driver's field of vision.

Winter tires with speed index "V":