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One or more of the signals transmitted by control unit N15/5 (Electronic selector lever module (ESM [EWM])) or A80 (Intelligent servo module for DIRECT SELECT) via the CAN bus are implausible.

Possible cause:

- N15/5 (Electronic selector lever module control unit)
- A80 (Intelligent servo module for DIRECT SELECT)
Affected functions:

- Automatic transmission Function


Test 1: Check component A80 (Intelligent servo module for DIRECT SELECT).

Test 2: Check component N15/5 (Electronic selector lever module control unit).

1. Check component A80 (Intelligent servo module for DIRECT SELECT).
Read and process fault code from control module A80 (Intelligent servo module for DIRECT SELECT).
Possible cause and remedy

- Read and process fault code from control module A80 (Intelligent servo module for DIRECT SELECT).
End of test

2. Check component N15/5 (Electronic selector lever module control unit).
Read and process fault code from control module EWM electronic selector lever module.
Possible cause and remedy

- Read and process fault code from control module EWM electronic selector lever module.
End of test