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AC Delco Service Centers Information


The AC-Delco service centers listed on the last page of this bulletin are the service centers that have been authorized to provide exchange service for the telephone. This authorization deals with the servicing of the transceiver box and the handset only.

These service centers mentioned above, will be stocked with a number of exchange units. These exchange units will be available to your dealership on a pre-exchange basis. This means your dealership can request and receive a replacement unit from the AC-Delco Exchange Center before you return the defective unit. This pre-exchange is important when a transceiver box is to be replaced because you need both the defective transceiver box and the exchange transceiver box in order to perform an identity transfer.

NOTE: Identity transfer procedure can be found in Chart # 10 of the diagnostics. The diagnostics can be found in the essential tool package.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that the Service Diagnostic Tag must be completed before any service can be performed on the handset or the Transceiver box. The information on the tag must be relayed to the AC-Delco Service Center when a pre-exchange unit is requested. The diagnostic tag must also be attached to the defective unit that is sent to the service center.

The Service Diagnostic Tag can be found in the Phone Users Guide or in any of the Service Packages.

The cellular service is provided by a local carrier in your area. You may call 1-800-422-2394 for the name of the local cellular service provider. This cellular provider will also be the main contact for any cellular coverage related questions.