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Disassembling/Assembling Mixture Control Unit


1. Preassemble adjusting lever, spring and pivot fork lever prior to installation in air flow sensor housing.

2. Use an appropriate cylindrical pin for this purpose. e.g. one from adjusting lever of 911 mixture control unit or a standard 8h8 x 60 DIN 7 cylindrical pin (connecting pin). Both ends of pin must be chamfered.

3. Make sure that spring fits properly.

4. Guide assembled parts into air flow sensor housing and push out cylindrical pin used for assembly carefully with the original cylindrical pin.

5. Center adjusting lever in air flow sensor housing and tighten mounting screws.

6. Align angular clearance between air flow sensor plate and venturi. The angular clearance must be uniform. It can be checked with a 0.10 mm feeler gauge. This requires that height adjustment (off position) of air flow sensor plate be correct.